Is Medical Assistance in Death ETHICAL?? w/ Ewan Goligher

MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) continues to gain popularity. In fact, here in Canada, we are statistically leading the charge. People are traveling literally from around the world to go through the procedure of ending their life. Is this something that should be concerning as a Christian? Where should we stand when it comes to MAID? How do we, as believers, help those who are contemplating going this route? How do we grieve with hope if we’ve lost someone through MAID? As medical assistance in dying continues to gain popularity, we need to equip ourselves with a solid biblical foundation on the importance of life and how to navigate through these challenging discussions with grace.

Do You Believe God IS and DOES Good? w/ Garrett Kell

It is important for us to look throughout history to be inspired by the goodness of God and His faithfulness amongst His children. We learn how to stay strong when we go through hardships and how to remain faithful even when we feel like giving up. George Muller, evangelist, pastor and director of an orphanage in Bristol, England was a man of great faith who suffered great loss and endured unimaginable suffering. Yet in the midst of all he went through, we see a man of faith, a passionate prayer warrior and someone who deeply loved Jesus. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends with pastor Garrett Kell where they walk through George Muller’s life and glean wisdom from a man who remained faithful till the end.

Are You REALLY Doing Missionary Work?! w/ David Platt

Life is always moving quickly! As Christians, sometimes it’s important for us to take a moment, stop and remind ourselves of some basic definitions. We hear the terms missions, missionary and evangelism often in gospel conversations, but what do they mean and how do we live them out? Going on a missions trip could be somewhere far away in some remote area, but The Great Commission is something we should be doing all the time. What’s the difference between MISSION and MISSIONS? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with pastor and author David Platt where they discuss the difference between missions and being on mission, and how it ought to look in the life of a genuine believer!